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Used Tesla’s Sell Better Than ICE’s

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Used Tesla’s are gaining popularity. Although the price of one is expensive, the aftermarket value is surprisingly high.

For many who re looking into the new car market, 2020 is presenting a number of challenges. For auto sellers, getting rid of their inventory for the year is going to be the challenging one. In the buyer’s terms, finding a car at the right price is always the number one key.

Tesla’s have a much higher resale value than traditional ICE’s. As their popularity is so high, if a person were to buy one second-hand, they might find the right fit.

The longevity of the battery is one of the key points for used cars. While a used vehicle can have high-mileage, the issue of many used cars doesn’t necessarily affect Tesla.

Used Tesla’s Maintain Value

Engine problems, multiple moving parts, and many more issues can come from buying a used ICE. This comes with the nature of the beast.

Purchasing a used Tesla will be more expensive than a typical ICE, but the outcome is far better. The reliability is high, as well as the maintenance cost being low.

Where the average cost for a new Tesla is $40,000 dollars +, a used car can put you right at the affordability range.

While COVID-19 is making things difficult for all industries, the auto industry is taking a big hit. The year is more than half-over and this year’s car sales are hitting an all-time low.

In order for auto sellers to make makes, they have had to offer incentives. Tesla took a different approach. They found alternative components to cut the cost of their batteries.

At the same time, they have been able to develop a battery that can last up to 1-million miles. The reselling power of Tesla is high. Their image and reliability are by far the best in the electric car industry.

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