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A Very Global Christmas Toy Drive

You are currently viewing A Very Global Christmas Toy Drive
Blue retro toy car delivering Christmas or New Year gifts on festive gray background
  • Post category:Blogs

Thank you for your interest in our event! Here is a detailed description of the event in whole:

We will be collecting donations at 2009 W Burbank Blvd Los Angeles, CA 91506 From December 20, 2016 – December 23, 2016 (12pm latest)

Here are the guidelines:

Items CHLA Need the Most

Generic coloring books –- no holiday reference
Soft baby dolls –- appropriate for children under three years old
Crayons –- all sizes, however we can only accept Crayola crayons or Playskool crayons
Interactive crib toys/musicals
Markers –- all sizes
Super hero action figures
White artist paper
Hello Kitty items
Bubbles (bottles with no attachments)
Craft and bead kits
Play-Doh (jars with no attachments)
Pop-up toys (cause and effect)
UNO cards
Bath & Body Works sets for older girls
Medical first aid kits
L.A. sports team sports swag
Baby rattles

We Also Love Gift Cards to the Following Places

Target in $20-50 increments
iTunes in $15-25 increments
McDonalds, Robeks, Jamba Juice, Subway, Carl’s Jr. in increments of $5
Movies such as Regal, Edwards, etc.

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