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Grant for Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund to Distribute Immediately

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HECRF Grant Goes to College Students
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Grant fourth-round payments from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund are going to be distributing to Sacramento State students. It will start today.

Grant approved March 2020

In March 2020, the HEERF grant is a federal award that was approving. Also, the first grant was distributing to students in the spring of 2020 semester. It would then be disbursed for a fourth and final during this semester.

There would be payments to be disbursed to students. It would be via a check or e-refund direct deposit.

In fact, the goal behind the HEERF grant is to financially relieve students which were affecting by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is according to an announcement from Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Ed Mills.

Moreover, the Spring 2022 semester grant is going to be paid to all students. They are enrolling in a degree program at Sac State, according to Mills.

Mills said that the last HEERF grant is going to be paying to students which are larger than the previous one. This was said in a SacSend video. It is larger than the previous one and therefore will not be counting as taxable income.   

A junior majoring in interior architecture at Sac State, Sarah Rembacz, has said she was informing of the grant. This was through her Sac State student portal. It was deciding to get her money electronically deposited.

“Really, honestly, I did not even know about it [the grant] until I got the money in my account in the semester,” she said.

Receiving the last round of federal money, Rembacz said she was looking forward to it. It would from the government since the last round of money. Actually, it did help her get through the semester.”

“Moreover, any amount of money is really helpful,” Rembacz said. “In fact, I mostly just use it for food and stuff because I am not working right now. Actually, I am just looking for an internship.”

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